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Sheryl Sculley, former City Manager of San Antonio and author of Greedy Bastards: One City’s Texas-Size Struggle To Avoid A Financial Crisis, will keynote the OCMA Conference.

February 28 – March 1, 2024

Hilton at Easton – 3900 Chagrin Drive Columbus, OH 43219

New This Year!

Evening social activities (restaurant romp, Pins Mechanical, Hospitality Suite), Photo booth, Professional Headshots, and more!
  • Emerging Leader/Student Volunteer: $0
  • Lifetime Member: $25
  • OCMA Member 1st Time Attendee: $200
  • Full/Affiliate Member: $275
  • Consulting Member: $325
  • Nonmember: $375 ($275 with 2024 OCMA membership)

Registration has closed.

Hotel reservations can be made at the Hilton at Easton (3900 Chagrin Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43219). If you prefer to make your reservation over the phone, you can call +1 614-414-5000 and ask for the OCMA 2024 Conference Room Block group rate.

Please book by January 29, 2024 to ensure access to the group rate.

Conference Keynote

Sheryl Sculley is known as a change agent with 45 years of experience in city management. She served as city manager of San Antonio, Texas (2005-2019), where she was the chief executive officer of the municipal corporation of 13,000 employees, an annual operating and capital budget of $2.8 billion, and a city population of 1.5 million residents.

The team Sculley assembled to lead the city of San Antonio became one of the highest performing municipal governments in the nation, and the only city with a population of more than one million to consistently earn AAA bond ratings from the three major rating service agencies.

Sculley brought a completely new level of fiscal management to San Antonio and launched ambitious capital infrastructure campaigns every five years using the City’s newly earned Triple A credit rating to borrow at favorable interest rates to invest more than $3 billion in a city long accustomed to underinvestment.

General Sessions

Yaromir Steiner formed Steiner + Associates in 1993 with a vision of creating welcoming, sustainable, pedestrian-friendly, Town Center destinations—environments for people to not only shop, but also to live, work and play. Over the past 24 years, the company has turned that vision into reality by developing more than 7.4 million square feet of mixed-use space including retail, restaurant, residential, entertainment, hospitality and office uses. Mr. Steiner oversees all operations, development, leasing, and management efforts for the Steiner + Associates and its portfolio.

He travels extensively to meet with community leaders and tenant partners and maintains a “hands-on” approach to development and property management. He is frequently invited to address community, civic and professional organizations in the U.S. and abroad to share his unique insights and perspectives into the retail real estate development world.

Mr. Steiner has held a variety of positions in civic and professional organizations. He served as a past board member of the Richard M. Ross Hospital, a past Trustee of the International Council of Shopping Centers, a past Director of the International Council of Shopping Centers Foundation, and a past Board of Trustee member of the New Albany Community Foundation, the Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital, and Richard J. Solove Research Institute Foundation. He has also served as President of the French American Chamber of Commerce in Houston, President of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce, Director of Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, and is a past President of the Simon Kenton Boy Scout Council of Central Ohio.

Valerie Lemmie is senior advisor for state and local government at the Kettering Foundation. An adept strategic thinker and local government thought leader, Lemmie is a distinguished pracademic with over 40 years of experience solving public problems and controversial issues in governmental organizations; leading research on democratic practices and public engagement; and advising communities across the United States on innovative and effective strategies for advancing multiculturalism.

Currently, Lemmie is coproducing, encouraging, and supporting strategies, programs, and policies that strengthen democracy, foster inclusion, and advance public accountability, transparency, and collaboration.

Lemmie joined the foundation after a distinguished career in public service. She served as city manager for the cities of Petersburg, Virginia, and Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio; commissioner on the Public Utility Commission of Ohio; and district director and acting chief of staff for Congressman Mike Turner (Ohio’s 10th District). Lemmie has also served as adjunct professor at Howard University, the University of Dayton, and Port Elizabeth Technikon (now Nelson Mandela University) in South Africa; the latter in cooperation with USAID.  

Wednesday, February 28

10:00 – 5:00 PMConference Registration Open
11:00 – 3:00 PMPre-Conference Mobile Workshop
Reimagination in Action: Adaptive Reuse and Brownfield Redevelopment Experience

Lunch at East Market (OYO)
Tour of two brownfield redevelopments, transforming the east-side suburb of Whitehall.
Buses will depart the Hilton at Easton and return attendees to the same location at 3:00 PM.
2:00 – 3:00 PMBreakout Session #1
“Financing a Sustainable Future: Injecting Cash into your Community”
Aaron Marcovy, NOPEC

“Small Town, Big Climate Goals”
Jessica Greene, City of Oxford

“If Tomorrow is the Day, Are You Ready? Managing and Conducting High Profile
Press Conferences”
Judith Zimomra, The Ohio State University
3:00 – 4:00 PMBreakout Session #2
“Data Driven Decision Making on a Shoestring Budget”
Ben Young, City of North Canton

“IDEAS to Create a Positive Work Culture and Make DEI Achievable”
Bryan Heck and Karen Graves, City of Springfield

“Planning, Funding, and Building Your Community Initiatives:
How to Access and Manage $2.4B in New State Funds”
Mike Jacoby, Amy Blankenship, Ben Hyden, Tarik Kershah – Bricker Graydon
4:00 – 4:15 PMNetworking Break
4:15 – 5:15 PMGeneral Session Presentation
Easton Town Center Development – Insights and Perspective
Yaromir Steiner, Founder and CEO of Steiner + Associates
5:30 – 8:00 PMRestaurant Romp
Dine and unwind with fellow conference attendees at OCMA’s inaugural Restaurant Romp!
Sign up online for your restaurant preference based on the dining options available.
Dinner OYO. All dining venues are within walking distance from the conference hotel.
Sign Up for Dinner Reservation
8:00 – 10:00 PMPins Mechanical Social Activity
Stop by Pins Mechanical (4117 Worth Ave, Columbus, OH 43219) – Visit with fellow conference
attendees and join in a round of bowling.

Thursday, February 29

8:00 – 5:00 PMConference Registration Open
8:00 AMBreakfast
8:30 AMWelcome
Dan Ralley, OCMA President, Assistant City Manager of Hilliard
Steven Craig, ESG President
8:45 – 10:15 AMKeynote Address: Courageous Leadership
Sheryl Sculley, former City Manager of San Antonio and author of Greedy Bastards
10:15 – 10:45 AMVendor Networking/Book Signing
10:45 – 11:45 AMBreakout Session #3
“You’re Fine, I’m Fine, We’re All Fine”
Brian Riblet and Tracy Henao, City of Montgomery

“Manage Your Way Out of This: Large Capital Projects Across Your Entire City”
Keith Valiquette, Energy Systems Group
Dan Wendt, City of Vandalia
Bryan Chodkowski, City of Huber Heights
11:45 – 12:00 PMVendor Networking/Break
12:00 -1:30 PMICMA Update
Lon Pluckhahn, ICMA President

Annual OCMA Awards Ceremony & Luncheon
1:30 – 2:30 PMBreakout Session #4
“Rethinking the Design of CIP”
Steve Bergstresser and Shayna McConville, City of Kettering

“Save a Tree – and Your Peace of Mind: How Modernizing Your Internal Business
Processes Improves Efficiencies & Community Satisfaction”
Dan Ralley, City of Hilliard
Gerrod Franklin, OpenGov

Sponsor Breakout Session
American Structurepoint
2:30 – 2:45 PMVendor Networking/Break
2:45 – 3:45 PMBreakout Session #5
“Hot Topics and Current Takes”
Joe Laborie, Jefferson Township
Jennifer Teal, Raftelis
Judith Zimomra, Ohio State

“The Juggle is Real”
Mariah Butler Vogelgesang and Kate Bostdorff, City of Centerville
Robyn Stewart, City of Worthington
Michele Boni, Orange Township
Holly Christmann, Hamilton County
Jeff Weckbach, Colerain Township

“Health Insurance 101: Understanding your Options”
Mark Schlagheck and Bill Kocher, The Jefferson Health Plan
3:45 – 4:00 PMVendor Networking/Break
4:00 – 5:00 PMAchieving Effective Community Leadership:
Fostering Democratic Innovation, Public Trust, and Resilient Communities

Valerie Lemmie, Senior Advisor for State and Local Government, The Kettering Foundation
5:00 – 7:00 PMThe Jefferson Health Plan Reception
Network with colleagues, visit sponsor exhibit tables, and take a selfie at the OCMA Photo Booth!
EveningHospitality Suite
Join us for a drink, card game, and conversation at the Hilton Business Lounge
(Franklin Room, 1st Floor).

Friday, March 1

8:00 AMBreakfast
9:00 – 12:00 PMProfessional Headshots available
8:30 – 9:00 AMWelcome and Presentation of 2024-25 OCMA Officers
Welcome Remarks from Incoming OCMA President, Amber Holloway
9:00 – 10:00 AMBreakout Session #6
OCMA Strategic Planning Working Group Interactive Sessions:
– Membership
– Professional Development
– Support of the Profession
10:00 – 10:15 AMNetworking Break
10:15 – 11:30 AMGeneral Session
“Pragmatic Management in the Public Sector”
Dr. John Bartle
Dean, College of Public Affairs and Community Service, University of Nebraska at Omaha
American Society for Public Administration – President Elect
11:30 – 11:45 AMNetworking Break
11:45 – 1:00 PMProfessional Development Skills Session
“Authentic Leadership & Teambuilding in High Pressure Environments”
Dr. Don Stenta, OSU Glenn College Instructor and Assistant Vice President for Alumni
Experiences, OSU Alumni Association

This session requires an RSVP to estimate attendance and confirm lunch.
Reserve Your Spot
1:00 PMConference Close