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Author: Megan Hasting

Apply to be an OCMA Board Member At-Large

Effective July 1, 2023, the slate of officers of the OCMA Executive Board will change based upon term limits and role transitions. This change will result in an at-large board vacancy.

Election of a nominated individual will take place at the OCMA Business Meeting which will be held during the OCMA Conference in April 2023.

If you are interested in serving on the OCMA Board, please email the OCMA Secretariat at by February 10, 2023 with the following two items:

1. Letter of Interest – one page
2. Resume – one page

Board Member Requirements
To be an OCMA Board Member, you must be actively employed as one of the following:

  • City/Village/Township Administrator/Manager
  • County Administrator
  • Public Safety Director
  • Assistant or Assistant to: City/Village/Township Administrator/Manager, Public Safety Director or Department Director level so long as a majority of the OCMA Executive Board remains at the Manager/Administrator level

Board Member Responsibilities
As an OCMA Board Member, some of your responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  1. Attend Board Meetings (usually 6 per year)
  2. Vote on motions made during board meetings
  3. Review new member applications
  4. Answer questions from OCMA members and the public
  5. The most senior board member serves on the ICMA Conference Planning Committee
  6. Service on the Board can total 6 years:
    Year 1 – Board Member at-large
    Year 2 – Board Member at-large
    Year 3 – Senior Board Member at-large
    Year 4 – Vice President
    Year 5 – President
    Year 6 – Immediate Past President

Painesville Announces New Assistant City Manager

PAINESVILLE, Ohio— At Monday, October 3’s Painesville City Council meeting, City Manager Doug Lewis announced his appointment of Tony Zampedro to the position of Assistant City Manager of Painesville. City Council approved the appointment in a 4-2 vote, with one member excused on leave from the meeting.

“I’m looking forward to having Tony be part of the City of Painesville’s management team,” said Lewis. “His wealth of experience and knowledge are extremely impressive and will benefit the City greatly. I look forward to working together to move the community, and our many exciting projects, forward.”

Zampedro comes from Painesville Township, where he recently was appointed Administrator. Prior to the position, Zampedro served as the Assistant City Manager for 16 years at the City of Mentor. He also served as Law Director for the City of Parma and City of Conneaut throughout his career. He is a graduate of the University of Toledo College of Law and holds a Masters of Public Administration from Cleveland State University.

“Painesville is a community that I have had a long-time desire to become a part of their professional city management team. From its historic downtown, county seat status, hometown to a four-year college, multiple municipal utilities and exciting community and economic development opportunities, Painesville is an ideal place for me to apply my experience and education to best serve its residents,” said Zampedro. “I am very enthused to be joining City Manager Lewis’ administration.”

The role opened after former Painesville Assistant City Manager, Derek Feuerstein, announced his departure in mid-September. Zampedro is expected to start his new position by early December.

About the City of Painesville
Settled in 1800, Painesville is the county seat of Lake County, Ohio and is located along the beautiful Grand River, roughly 30 miles northeast of Cleveland and 2.5 miles from the shores of Lake Erie. Painesville is home to Lake Erie College, Morley Library and a dynamic historical downtown district. The city is named after General Edward Paine who served in the Revolutionary War and settled in the area shortly after. Painesville has a population of over 20,300 per the 2020 census. For more information visit or call 440-352-9301.

Washington Twp Administrator Lightle Leaving for Sinclair College

From the Dayton Daily News

Washington Twp. Administrator Jesse Lightle will resign from that position effective Jan. 15, and will take on a vice president role at Sinclair Community College..

Lightle has served as administrator of Montgomery County’s largest township since July 2006 and has helped Washington Twp. experience the largest residential growth in the county over the past decade, township officials said.

Lightle told this news outlet the thing she is most proud of in her 16 years on the job is the township’s staff and the team that has been built.

“Our staff truly care about our residents and the services they provide,” she said. “I feel honored to work alongside such a phenomenal group of dedicated public servants and it is certainly what I will miss most about the position.”

Sharon Lowry, president of the Washington Twp. Board of Trustees, said the trustees will meet in the coming weeks to determine the process and timeline for hiring a new administrator.

“Our initial plans are to hire a search firm to assist us with the recruitment efforts,” she said.

Lightle recently facilitated the land purchase, construction and funding of the new Washington Twp. Fire Station 41 on Franklin Street, and navigated three successful cycles of accreditation of the fire department. In 2015, she oversaw the creation of the Enrichment Center, now the Joyce C. Young Center, and in 2020, finalized the township’s rebranding, including the streetscape enhancement plan, township officials said.

Lightle said when she first started with the township, it was seeing the beginning of increased residential and economic growth.

“It slowed down during 2008 and then, over the past 10 years, we have experienced some of the most robust and healthy growth in the township’s history,” she said. “Thanks to the leadership of our elected officials and staff, this growth has been controlled and measured. Washington Twp. has so much to offer, and it’s been exciting to share that with our regional partners and watch more families and businesses call the township home.”

Lightle will assume the position of senior vice president and chief of staff for Sinclair Community College starting Jan. 16. Adam Murka, who has worked in that role for more than a decade, is leaving to start his own business, said Cathy Petersen, Sinclair’s chief of public information.

”I strongly believe that the students who attend Sinclair will shape the workforce and economy of Ohio for years to come, and I’m eager to be part of that,” Lightle said.

Lightle said she and her family plan to continue residing in the township.

Lowry said township officials are “so grateful” for Lightle’s many contributions to the community.

“Washington Twp. has never been in a stronger position than it is now and much of that is owed to Jesse’s foresight and leadership,” Lowry said. “There are a lot of projects and initiatives that simply would not have been accomplished if it weren’t for her.”

Michael Whidden – Troy

Michael Whidden, a Miami University senior majoring in Political Science and Economics, is a returning intern at the City of Troy’s Development Department. He has also previously interned at the Office of Director of Public Service and Safety.

Throughout his internships at the Office of Director of Public Service and Safety, Michael assisted with the Outdoor Painted Pianos project, Fourth of July event planning, Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area community study, and helped the City Engineering Technician with the survey of encroachments at the City Parks.

For the Development Department, he conducted the 2022 Cost of Living survey, researched design standards from various Ohio communities and best practices regarding rental inspections, and assisted with permit re-inspections. Michael will return to the City of Troy for one more winter break and plans to attend law school next fall. 

Michael is looking forward to more permit re-inspections! 


Kaden Jack – Centerville

Assisted engineering staff in Centerville with field and office work relating to engineering problems and performing beginning-level engineering work.

Kaden has a goal to work as an engineer in the public sector after he graduates.

Internship Length: 4 months

School email or other email:

Colerain Township Awarded Gold Designation from SolSmart

Colerain Township has been awarded a SolSmart Gold designation for our efforts to make it faster, easier, and more affordable to go solar! We are proud to be recognized as a national leader in advancing solar energy.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office, SolSmart recognizes cities and counties for cutting red tape and making solar more affordable and accessible for homes and businesses. We are committed to reducing solar energy costs at the local level and encouraging even more homes and businesses to use this clean, affordable energy source. The SolSmart Gold designation recognizes that we are “open for solar business,” helping to attract solar industry investment that generates economic development and jobs. 

Colerain Township recently announced that it will be installing 60 solar panels on the roof of the Community Center. These panels are expected to generate 29% of the total electric used at the Community Center, resulting in a reduction in electric bill costs of $8,000 per year. The return on investment for this product is estimated at 12 years, barring any inflation in electric rates. Given the 25-year warranty, this will result in an estimated total savings of 13 years of electric at the Community Center which amounts to $104,000 dollars. This return on investment is much higher for this project than the rate of return on investing the Township’s idle cash. 

Additionally, Colerain Township works with residents on issuing certificates to make solar installation easier for people who live in our area. In fact, nearly a dozen solar installation certificates were issued in the month of July alone! 

SolSmart is led by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. More than 450 municipalities, counties, and regional organizations have achieved SolSmart designation since the program launched in 2016. 

SolSmart provides free technical assistance to help local governments reduce obstacles to solar energy development. This allows even more local homes and businesses to obtain affordable, clean, and reliable electricity through solar. Colerain Township is helping local communities coordinate on setting goals and strategies for sustainable energy growth. 

SolSmart also helps communities streamline local procedures to reduce the time and money it takes to install a solar energy system. This can include adjusting permitting, planning, and zoning requirements to reduce obstacles to solar energy use while meeting other community development goals.  

SolSmart uses objective criteria to award points based on the actions they take to reduce barriers to solar energy development. Organizations that take sufficient action are designated either Gold, Silver, or Bronze. Interested parties can learn more at

Article website

Centerville Cornerstone Park Ready for the Spotlight

The new Cornerstone Park is near completion, boasting an entertainment plaza, observation pier and art sculpture.

The park, which sits along the water near Cooper’s Hawk Winery and Restaurant, is a key component of the Cornerstone development near Interstate 675 and Feedwire Road.

The park has two components, including an 11-acre passive area with benches and walking trails that preserves a headwater stream. The active portion has a pavilion area designed to create a relaxing atmosphere for visitors and customers of nearby restaurants like Bagger Dave’s and Cheddar’s.

“It has been City Council’s vision to incorporate a beautiful piece of parkland to complement the overall Cornerstone project,” Centerville City Manager Wayne Davis said.

Cornerstone Developers LLC, led by CEO George Oberer of Oberer Companies, constructed all improvements in the active and passive park areas. In the future, the City will be responsible for one-third of the maintenance costs and two-thirds will be funded through contributions from property owners’ associations that currently maintain most of the public property at Cornerstone.

The City received $1 million in Clean Ohio grant funding from the Ohio Public Works Commission to conserve the passive parkland.

“This park will be an asset for businesses and residents of Cornerstone. For years, it has been a magnet for many first-in-region retail and restaurant interest,” George Oberer said.

“The addition of Cornerstone Park contributes to making this successful development a destination place and shows the City’s commitment to expand, as well as improve, our amenities for businesses, residents and visitors,” Centerville Mayor Brooks Compton said.

The 18-foot-tall public art piece titled ‘Celebration’ was designed by artist Stephen Canneto. It features an image of several figures crafted from brushed stainless steel and dichroic glass. The glass sphere changes colors depending on the time of day and viewing angle. That same glass is used on the shade structure in the plaza area. 

The Centerville Arts Commission is planning a ribbon cutting for the park. Details will be shared as soon as they are available.